Some Nice Upcoming Things 2021

Some nice things what are happening soon!


June 4th-6th is the Cymera Festival, which usually takes place physically in Edinburgh, and this year is taking place digitally everywhere.  On Saturday at 11.45 I’ll be chatting with Derek B. Miller about all things post-post-apocalyptic, and on Sunday I’m DMing a game of Dungeons and Dragons for the ridiculously lovely and talented bunch of Tasha Suri, MR Carey, Adrian Tchaikovsky and RJ Barker.  There will be adventure, abyssal chickens, cursed actors and dreadful puns.


June 17th I’m chatting with the lovely GX Todd as part of Crossing the Tees Festival, in which I imagine we will geek out like the absolute nerds we are, while trying to maintain some semblence of literary dignity perhaps.


Meanwhile this coming Sunday (May 16th) I’m gonna commit another half marathon in the name of Macmillan Cancer Support, because even though the Hackney Half which I’m actually fundraising for has been moved to September, I sorta feel a moral responsibility to go through with this nonsense in spring anyway.  The forecast is sunny but wet and the watch on my wrist is pretty sure that I have already run 20km in training recently, whereas my phone is convinced I’ve not run more than 18km.  Komoot, which I use to plan routes, seems to split the difference, so who even knows how far I’m actually gonna go?  However far it turns out to be, there’s still time to sponsor me and help fundraise for Macmillan, a charity to which I owe a great deal of debt for a) helping keep my Mum alive but also b) helping my Gran have a dignified, peaceful and respectful end when her time came.


Then in July there are a number of events which are being scheduled but not yet officially confirmed, including potentially the return of the Reddit AMA in which I will give 2000 word answers to 10 word questions because being succinct is really flipping hard, guys, as well as the actual publication of Notes from the Burning Age on July 22nd in the UK, and maybe perhaps even the same day in the US?  I’ll try to update with official dates and details as soon as I’ve got them.  In the UK there are plans to sign a bunch of copies for Goldsboro Books if you like shiny signed things, and maybe one day there may even be such mysterious things as “conventions” and “travel” again, fingers crossed.


Until then, wherever you are I hope you’re safe, sane and surrounded by excellent books.