More Notes From the Burning Age

We’re a little over a week from publication of Notes From the Burning Age (which is July 22nd in the UK and I think also the US… and probably also audio too?) – and just to keep things pootling before we get there, a couple more lovely things!


If you haven’t already had the chance, then you can still check out the crowdcast I did with the wonderful N.K.Jemisin.  I’m not gonna lie, there is a great deal of us geeking out at each other about cities and books and generally squeaking in a very literary manner, as well as a small discussion on Chicago’s attempts to kill us both and chat about the worlds of film, adaptation and how to change the stories we tell.  N.K. Jemisin is a fabulous writer in every way, and I had a real blast so if you wanna share in that glee, you can still find us chatting here:


You can also find more book-related natter with the excellent Travis Tippens of Fantasy Inn, in which we again geek out about books, talk about Burning Age and climate action in general (thank you Travis for letting me nerd about environmentalism) – the podcast is available here or wherever you get your podcasts provided.


There’s lots of nice reviews coming in for Notes from the Burning Age, some of which I’ve even been enough of a grown-up to link to via my twitter.  I know that generally I’m pretty pants at plugging my own books, but I really hope you read and enjoy this one when it hits the shelves later this month.