The Voyage of the Basset

Sometimes it is nice to have fun nice fluffy nice things.  By extraordinary coincidence, here for you is a fun nice fluffy short story thing.


A bit of background.  In 2014 I was approached by the absurdly awesome Jared Shurin, editor extraordinaire and all-round Master of Nerds, and asked if I fancied writing a story in collaboration with the Maritime Museum in Greenwich on a theme of discovery and nautical adventure.  The result was published in a wonderful anthology called Irregularity, which you should absolutely buy and is soggy with fabulous tales by wonderful people… but just in case you’d rather have it in free-to-download-and-keep-forever-audio-podcast-form, my very lovely and excellent friend Andrew Latheron has got you covered.  I do not use the words free-to-download-and-keep-forever-audio-podcast-form lightly, for typing words with that many hyphens between them is mildly challenging and highlights some quirky mannerisms in how I type that would probably have my GCSE IT teacher in despair – and yet that is precisely what this is.  Hurrah!


So, for your free fluffy short story recounting the unsung adventures of Charles Darwin on the high seas, on Monday March 29th you can download The Voyage of the Basset on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podcast Addict.  You can hear the trailer now if you follow the links above to your podcast provider of choice, and if you do want to spread even more fluff and hugs, we are inviting anyone who feels they can or are so inclined to make a donation to Mind, which is a life-line of mental health support in the UK.


You can read more about Mind here, and check out what Andrew is up to here.  Hope you enjoy!