The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Guys guys guys guys I wrote a book!!

Um.  Yes.  Well.  Specifically I wrote this book….

Sudden Appearance of Hope

It’s about a lass called, surprisingly, Hope.  She’s got a wee problem – no one can remember her.  She can do stuff, go places, chat to strangers and interact with the world, but the second people turn their backs on her they begin to forget that she was ever there.  Naturally this makes certain aspects of her life – work, friendship, family, love – kinda tricky.  On the plus side she is a consummate thief.

Without wanting to spoil too much, Stuff Happens.  While stealing a collection of diamonds (mostly for kicks, she having not much else to do with her free time) a series of events take place which, for the first time, force Hope to reconsider how she lives her life.  In the course of solving this conundrum she crosses corporations and spies, gets very drunk in San Francisco, robs great men in Tokyo, witnesses disaster in France and horror in Venice, and makes more than a few mistakes in Hong Kong, all in the cause of coming to realise that even though the world doesn’t remember her, what she does can change the world.

It’s out in May!  Fingers crossed you guys enjoy it!