More Shiny Shiny
So this….
… was my yesterday.
It’s either the shuttered lens of a struck arc lamp… or it’s an alien abduction in progress. You decide.
On a theme of lighting, it’s been a while since I talked about lampy lampy land. My first bit of news is that I now have a specifically LD-based website:
… which has on it, essentially, my life’s work. Well. No. That’s not true. My life’s work is, technically speaking, available from all good bookshops, minus the work I did at uni on the history degree which is available on request for anyone who desperately desperately wants to know about the Second Siege of Vienna… but let’s say it has my other life’s work on it, of which I’m pretty proud. I’m now at a funny point in my lighting design career. I’ve been out of Ra-de-da for just over three years, and in that time have done a respectable number of shows in a wide number of venues. I’m not a Successful Lighting Designer by any stretch of the imagination – it’ll take many more years of hard slog and effort before I tick that box. But I am, I think, no longer a newbie. I feel confident of my skills and am working now towards bigger, better shows and finding teams of people who I love and respect and can work with forever as we all, hopefully, shoot up through the theatrical pecking order. Will this plan work? I have no idea. But I quite like having no idea. It feels a lot like… real life… and how real life should be…