The Magic of Blogging…

So, now that things are sort of vaguely calming down from the last three weeks of Neon Court/theatre madness…
… now that the pile of dirty socks has slightly retreated and the bruising has faded a touch and things are generally a little less overwhelming…
I figured I’d take this opportunity to quickly say hello to everyone who has been commenting on the blog, emailing, and who I have, in fact, met over the last few weeks, at Forbidden Planet or the SFX Weekender!
It’s been a bit of an old time, what with all these events, and let me quickly seize this chance to say sorry for how slow I am to respond, where I do respond, to questions and queries – in time I do hope to get decent answers to all of them on the page. But until that moment, and in light of how many people I’ve met and how many emails I’ve received in the last few weeks, let me take this opportunity to say to everyone…
Thank you!
It genuinely brings a brighter glimmer to the day to go online and find so many people commenting on, let’s face it, the bizarre medley of subjects I tend to ramble about, and please do feel free, if you’re not sure, to comment, debate and downright disagree with any of the subject matter on this blog. It is a genuinely wonderful feeling to meet so many people who like the books – and as all too often there isn’t really time or, in my case, linguistic skill to express just what a cheerful glow it adds to my day, I figured I’d say so here.
I have a feeling this blog is lurching towards its two-year anniversary, and so to yea all who follow it and the books in whatever way and for whatever reasons…
… and thank you!